Emissions DETOX Pro (PETROL) is an all-in-one, extremely concentrated and effective problem solver for all deposit related problems in petrol engines. Cleans injectors, valves, combustion chamber and the entire fuel supply system and optimizes combustion with its added octane booster.
- Powerful All-in-One Fuel Additive
- Reduces Emissions
- Injector Cleaner for GDI & Non-GDI Engines
- Octane Booster
- Restores Engine Power and Performance
- Improves combustion and driveability
- Restores Fuel Economy
- Pre-MOT Treatment
Compatible with all petrol engines, including direct injection (GDI) systems, and suitable for use with both leaded and unleaded petrol. Safe for catalytic converters and turbos.
Add one bottle (250ml) to the fuel tank before refueling with petrol.
Treats up to 60 liters of petrol per 250ml bottle.